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Jual Perlengkapan Laboratorium Terpercaya

Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ES120D
Density Balance – D&T ES120D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ES200D
Density Balance – D&T ES200D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ES310D
Density Balance – D&T ES310D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ES410D
Density Balance – D&T ES410D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ES500D
Density Balance – D&T ES500D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ESJ120D
Density Balance – D&T ES-J120D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 0.1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ESJ220D
Density Balance – D&T ES-J220D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 0.1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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Analytical and Density Balance Density Balance  DT ESE120D
Density Balance – D&T ES-E120D
The density balance is the latest high-performance and GMP compliant intelligent electronic balance launched by D&T, with a maximum design accuracy of 0.1 mg. It can meet your specific needs and compliance requirements, thereby maximizing work efficiency and accuracy of experimental results. The balance adopts a brand-new monolithic sensor as the core component of the weighing device, which directly determines the speed, accuracy and stability of weighing.
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News 4News 4
Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) adalah perangkat lunak (software) & sistem manajemen informasi yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan untuk mendukung operasi Laboratorium modern. LIMS dapat juga dikoneksikan dengan sistem aplikasi lain untuk memudahkan pengambilan keputusan oleh pihak yang berwenang dalam suatu perusahaan atau instansi.
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News 3News 3
Vibrasi yang dihasilkan mesin industri bisa menjadi indikator untuk menentukan kondisi mesin tersebut. Layaknya seorang dokter yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan pasien menggunakan stetoskop, mesin juga bisa diperiksa kesehatannya dengan menganalisa vibrasi yang dihasilkan menggunakan alat yang disebut vibration analyzer.
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News 2News 2
BSL2 adalah mobile laboratorium atau laboratorium bergerak yang saat ini banyak digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi kesehatan masyarakat karena berhubungan erat dengan keamanan dan kesehatan publik. Laboratorium bergerak/mobile laboratorium ini menyediakan sarana dan prasarana yang relatif lebih cepat dimobilisasi ke berbagai kondisi geografis dan wilayah yang relatif sulit dijangkau oleh akses transportasi utama.
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